
Unlicensed walkie talkies

14,64 € day price incl. VAT12,00 € day price excl. VAT



Kirisun radios on one base unit
Indicator LEDs show when radio is fully-charged
Available for PT558 / PT4200 / PT568

Free use without a license
Frequency 446 MHz (analog and digital)

Channel capacity 16
Channeling Analog: 12.5 / 25 KHz Digital: 12.5 KHz
2000 mAh lithium-ion battery
Battery life up to 16 hours with 5/5/90 cycle
Dimensions 54 (W) x 116 (H) x 31 (D) mm
Weight 275 grams
Working temperature -30 / + 60 ° C
Equipment Transceiver, Li-Ion battery, charger, belt clip, antenna